拉菲2注册登录 is important in food manufacturing because it helps the global food industry track products through the supply chain. This allows food manufacturer’s to recall contaminated or mislabeled product quickly and effectively. 美国的可追溯性要求.S. and Canada is for companies in the supply chain to be able to track w在这里 incoming product came from and w在这里 it was shipped. Tech enabled traceability allows companies to reduce their recall windows and improve their plant visibility.
拉菲2注册登录既可以用笔手工完成 & 纸张,电子表格,或自动通过技术启用的过程.
技术支持的可追溯性是通过采用健壮的, 先进的可追溯系统进入他们的生产设施. 这些系统通常包括车间设备(如.e scales, and labeling systems) that gather and record production data into a centralized database. These systems help food manufacturers remove human error when collecting food traceability data. Effective tech enabled traceability systems can also significantly reduce response times when a foodborne disease outbreak or recall occur. This is done by providing rapid access to relevant and reliable information that helps determine the source and location of the associated products
可追溯性也可以通过手工笔和纸为基础的系统来实现. 手工笔和纸系统符合政府要求,但容易出现人为错误. 手动系统还可以延长召回受影响产品所需的时间. 在手动追溯系统中,所有记录的数据, 从收货到发货, 是手写的, 登录到一个主列表, 然后以电子表格的形式保存,以防召回.
在食品制造中,GS1条形码是食品标签的全球标准. GS1条形码中的信息将取决于所使用的条形码的类型. 其中包括:GS1-128和UPC-A.
GS1-128条形码通常用于批发箱和托盘标签. 这些条形码通常比UPC-A条形码包含更多的信息. The GS1-128 barcode includes a GTIN, product weigh, production date, and a product serial number.
UPC-A条形码是一种更简单的条形码,通常用于零售标签. 这些条形码通常只包含一个公司前缀和一个项目参考号.
有关食品条形码的更多信息,请查看我们的博客 在这里
有许多不同类型的食品制造拉菲2注册登录可用. 选择合适的拉菲2注册登录取决于食品加工机想要完成的任务. 许多食品加工商通常使用三种主要类型的拉菲2注册登录应用程序. 这些包括:制造执行系统(MES), 仓库管理系统(WMS)和车间称重 & 标签拉菲2注册登录解决方案.
Manufacturing execution systems (MES) are used in food production facilities to manage the entire production process. 这些系统通常是前台系统,允许用户创建产品文件, 管理生产计划, 跟踪生产数据.
Warehouse management systems (WMS) are used in food production facilities to manage 库存. 这包括接收操作, 原料库存, 成品良好库存, 销售订单, 以及航运业务.
Plant-floor weighing and labeling software is used in food production facilities to capture and track the weight of various items from hanging carcasses, 到成品箱. 这些系统通常使用序列化的条形码方法来标记产品的可追溯性.
第一个, 最重要的是, step in obtaining a UPC barcode for your product is to apply for membership and license a UPC (GS1) 公司 prefix from GS1. 条形码图形是条形码和UPC实现的权威. GS1是产品标识的全球标准组织.
第二步, 一旦您获得GS1公司前缀许可, 您可以为每个项目分配唯一的产品编号.
第三步,一旦您从公司前缀构建了您的UPC标识符 & Product Number, you have to determine how you are going to get the UPC barcode on your product.
在食品生产中,WMS有两种常用的使用方法. A WMS system can be used as a standalone system or can be integrated into a larger ERP system. It should be noted that the functions and features of each are largely the same; it’s the package and style of delivery that differs. Standalone systems are used for their WMS features alone such as 库存 management and warehouse operations. ERP系统是一个集中的解决方案,可以帮助进行资源规划, 会计, 客户关系管理, 人力资源.
今天,食品制造商可以使用许多WMS应用程序. Deciding on which WMS is right for your process will come down to defining your company’s goals.
例如, 如果您正在寻找一个集中的系统,允许您管理功能,如CRM, 产品创造, 和成本核算, 那么ERP系统就是正确的解决方案.
如果公司的目标是节省时间和成本, and their 库存 management system doesn’t need to extend into other areas of the business, 那么一个独立的WMS系统将是有益的. 完整的ERP系统可以是昂贵的和及时的全面实施和使用. 使用WMS系统可能会使较小的处理器受益更多, 哪一家拥有规模较小的仓库和库存管理功能.
生产调度是为了使生产过程以最大的效率进行. 通过使用生产调度系统, 食品制造商的前台可以控制工厂生产的产品. This decision can be based around relevant data, such as 库存 levels and current 销售订单. 这在食品生产过程中是有益的, because it provides production controls that prevent over producing or under producing products.
ERP代表企业资源计划. 这些系统提供预测等领域的管理, 规划, 库存, 物流与生产. 常见的ERP模块包括会计, 制造执行系统(MES), 仓库管理系统, 客户关系管理(CRM).
A robust ERP system is meant to consolidate all of your data into a single system which provides a birds-eye view of a company’s entire operation. ERP systems’s are designed to be a single centralized hub that is able to control all business functions.
A processing ERP in the food processing industry is helpful to maintain the recipe of products, 食品安全, 消费者问题, 以及分析证明, 食品包装法规, 库存成本.
Typical MES systems will allow food manufacturers to setup controls for their manufacturing process. These controls can be setup and configured in the front office, and pushed down to the plant-floor. 这些控制中有许多指导操作员完成配方或QA过程. 这使得前台可以在更细粒度的层面上控制制造过程.
MES为供应链提供价值, 通过控制和提供生产设备制造过程的可视性. MES的结果是原料到成品的可追溯性. MES还可以帮助确保整个制造过程的质量. 这反过来又有利于分销商, and suppliers maintain a high level of confidence in the manufacturing process of finished goods.
A MES assessment Is an overall evaluation of an organizations ability to evaluate the need for implementing a MES system into their manufacturing process. 制造商应评估范围内所有工厂的MES情况.
这种全局评估可以通过收集有关业务的信息来完成, 制造业务和技术通过调查, 调查问卷, 会议, 以及对当前文件的回顾
ERP系统都是包含MES的拉菲2注册登录解决方案. 由于ERP系统有如此大的占地面积,它们可能难以实现且成本高昂. 这促使一些食品制造商寻找独立的MES系统. 由于ERP系统还涵盖了各种各样的其他模块, 这可能会降低ERP MES解决方案的质量. 一些食品制造商更喜欢专门的强大的独立MES系统.
MES is needed for food processors to improve the productivity and efficiency of the manufacturing process while reducing the total time and cost of production. MES系统对于过程控制也很重要, 因为它们可以帮助操作员导航QA或配方流程. An MES can also integrate with a processor’s ERP system to give full insight and visibility into production and operational management.
Starting MES starts with doing an internal evaluation of your organizations manufacturing operation and current processes. 确定需要改进的关键领域, 然后找到解决这些关键领域的MES解决方案
T在这里 are various types of scales that a food manufacturer would use for various applications across the food manufacturing process. A few common types of scales include floor scales, bench scales, check weighers, and rail scales.
Many food processing plants that deal with bulk product will use large containers called combo bins. 这些箱子通常用地板秤称重. 食品加工者也可能会称重大型可重复使用的手提袋,或地板上的架子.
对于单件和成品箱,可以使用台式秤来称重. 这些物品通常较小,操作员可以将其举到磅秤上.
Checkweighers and conveyor scales are used in the food manufacturing process to weigh or checkweigh boxes or pieces travelling down a conveyor. 这些应用程序大多是自动化的,不需要操作员监督过程.
在大多数屠宰场设施中,悬挂的胴体在铁轨上称重. 这些轨道秤通常比大多数台式秤具有更大的重量容量. 轨道尺度可以是静态和动态类型的尺度. 这些秤通常用于跟踪整个收获层的产量.
印刷条形码在食品制造中是一种常见的要求. 条形码产品有助于拉菲2注册登录和仓库管理. 条形码可以用203 dpi工业标签打印机打印. These label printers can print barcodes on direct thermal labels or thermal transfer labels with a ribbon.
T在这里 are many different types of thermal and direct thermal printers that can be used to print labels in food manufacturing. Honeywell, SATO, and Zebra are leading suppliers of industrial label printers for the food industry.
标签需要使用标准的工业标签打印机打印. 这些打印机不同于普通的办公室激光打印机. They’re designed specifically for printing on direct thermal, or thermal transfer label stock. Honeywell, SATO, and Zebra are leading suppliers of industrial label printers for the food industry.